Thursday, August 2, 2007

The new projects I have finished

I just finished a baby pinwheel baby blanket. This blanket is for a baby who is very special for me, and I will explain why. Like 20 years ago I had this cute patient(I am a Children's Dentist)
who was 10 years old and she had crooked teeth, so she was my patient and her teeth were straight after we finished the treatment after two years, so I saw her once a month for two years and then I saw her last month and she was very happy for her pregnancy. When she was in labor she had preeclampsia and she died. Her child is alive a baby boy but he has no mother, so I was in shock and I thought by loomknitting something nice from my soul to her little boy, this was the best way to remember her. In memory to Annia Newenhouse


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is a beautiful way of remembering her and honoring her memory.